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The Proven Formula for Attracting Your Soulmate

Are you a single woman tired of attracting the wrong partners (or none at all) who wants to finally find the right person for yourself?


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An 8-week program that takes you through a powerful 3-step

process so you can become the kind of woman who will effortlessly attract your ideal life partner.

Through my signature Project Loving Myself process,

you will release your past, learn to love your present,

and create your future, living the life you always wanted for yourself.

Become a Soulmate Magnet

A Soulmate Magnet attracts her ideal life partner, she doesn’t have to chase after it. She knows she is the ultimate prize for any man, and he knows it too.

A Soulmate Magnet knows who and what she wants in her life. There is no confusion or self-doubt. Her positive energy attracts people to her, like a moth to a flame. But she knows how to say ‘No’ and activate her boundaries because she knows her worth.

She confidently expresses herself in a relationship. She is heard and understood. She communicates with love and understanding, approaching every challenge with patience and kindness.

She knows how to nurture herself but also shows up for the people she cares about. She chooses herself over and over again, but is fiercely loyal to the people she loves.

She is treated like she is the most precious thing in the world to her partner.

Because she is.

Are you ready to be a Soulmate Magnet?

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The Problem Wasn’t Outside of Me, It was Me

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In my twenties, I went through a decade of bad relationships and discovered that all my toxic relationships had one thing in common: Me. So I set out on my own Eat, Pray, Love journey that took me out of sinking into the relationship quicksand to scaling my very own Mt. Everest - my childhood.

So I understand what it feels like to be trapped in the endless cycle of being with the wrong person in the wrong relationship and feeling the sense of hopelessness that you will never find the right one. Because I have been there. And I got out.

Through the internal work I did on myself, I learned to forgive my past, accept my journey, and love myself completely. This led me to manifest my soulmate through a whirlwind romance that spanned two continents, taking us from meeting at a 3-day Bollywood-style hip-shaking Indian wedding to being engaged in a month.

Three kids later and still in love, we just celebrated 12 years of adventure: our marriage.

Get Out of the Relationship Sinkhole

Whether you’ve been putting yourself ‘out there’ or not, you shouldn’t have to work so hard at finding love. Love is meant to be easy, effortless, without struggle.

But chances are, relationships haven’t been so easy for you.

And you aren’t the only one who feels that way.

In a relationship survey I conducted, 50% of women find it hard to meet people they connect with. And yet, all it takes is one grocery run to meet the man of your dreams. It isn’t a numbers game. It’s about connecting with the right person at the right time. Like magic.

It takes only one chance meeting to fall in love.

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Fatal Attraction

40% of the women surveyed believe that they are always attracted to the wrong guy. Are we subconsciously sabotaging our love lives?

That’s right. You are. You’ve probably taken multiple hits on your self-esteem because of past relationships that didn’t work out.

30% of women surveyed don’t feel good enough or worthy of being loved. You might have been betrayed, rejected, hurt, or disappointed in love. If that isn’t enough, then your traumatic or dysfunctional childhood was the wrecking ball that did the rest of the damage to your Disney fairytale.

Chances are, growing up, you didn’t have such a great example of a loving relationship between a man and a woman. More than 50% of the women I surveyed observed fighting, screaming, betrayal, and sadness in their parent’s relationship while growing up.

That doesn’t give one much confidence in happily ever after, now does it?

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The truth is....

If you aren’t with your soulmate, you have not allowed yourself to be with them. And the only reason you would hold yourself back from being gloriously happy in love is that on some level, your subconscious believes that love isn’t safe at all.

And so you might think you want to find that one perfect love, but deep down inside, you are doing everything to get in your own way of that. Because you want to protect yourself from the pain that love brings.

Does this strike a chord?

So what is one to do then? Childhood pain and relationships that never work out plus our subconscious mind working against us..are we doomed to be alone for the rest of our lives?

Of course not. There is always a silver lining in every dark cloud. The rainbow that appears after the rain. But read on and let me tell you more.

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The Discovery that Unlocked a Clear Path to Finding Love

The women who come to me with relationship challenges often relate that one of their parents betrayed or cheated on the other in their childhood. Betrayal isn’t just about disloyalty, it happens when one partner lets the other person down.

Consequently, as adults, they don’t feel safe and secure in their relationships, or even with men at all. But they didn’t feel safe growing up either.

Their relationship history is the biggest telltale of all. They experience negative patterns repeatedly, and when we dig deeper into these patterns, we discover that these are the same patterns they witnessed in their parents’ relationship growing up.

Even if they were raised by a single parent or a family member, the patterns still persist from childhood.

If I don’t see negative relationship patterns in some of the women I work with, then usually they haven’t been dating because they are afraid to be in a relationship. They put up walls that don’t come down. They stay single, unable to meet the right man because they are stuck in their fears associated with love, which stem from their childhood.

So what does that tell us about people who are experiencing difficulty in relationships?

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The Dysfunctional Relationship Template

After helping thousands of women overcome their relationship issues, I discovered they all share the same trajectory.

And this is how it goes. If your past is still haunting you (and you might not be aware that this is happening), you remain stuck in what I call a negative relationship template, a dark hole you can’t seem to get out of. You are trapped by the programs of your past, and no matter how hard you try or what you do, you can’t seem to break the cycle.

Your relationship template is what you inherited from your parents or past relationships. It is the negative pattern you keep repeating in your relationships, and boy is it deep. It’s probably affecting many other relationships in your life, perhaps at work, with friends, or with family members.

And with a faulty template, it is impossible to find love. Even if you do, it’s a matter of time before the template surfaces and throws your relationship into chaos.

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Tuning Into the Frequency of Love

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This is why you must release your negative patterns, flawed relationship templates, and the endless loops that keep you stuck in the rigamarole of being with the wrong person or no one at all.

A gardener will tell you that if you don’t weed the garden, then it will eventually be overrun with pests. And then your garden will perish.

Your unresolved childhood, with its patterns and trauma, and the memories of relationships that didn’t work out are like the weeds that you must release from the garden of your mind.

As you remove the root cause of your unhealthy relationship patterns, your garden will start to bloom flowers of an entirely new relationship template that will allow you to fall in love with yourself and become the magnet that attracts your ideal life partner.

There is a particular frequency that seems to attract love of all kinds into your life. This is the Frequency of Love.

And tuning into that particular frequency requires you to come from a place of love and acceptance towards yourself and your present circumstance, free of the baggage of the past, and ready to create love without the barriers that keep you stuck in that place of fear. This is my signature 3-Step Project Loving Myself process that has worked for countless women who have now fulfilled their dreams of finding their one true love.

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The Soulmate Manifestation That Inspired This Program

One of my more well-known success stories is the soulmate manifestation I did for top Filipino celebrity actress Ellen Adarna, who came on my podcast Project Loving Myself to talk about her healing journey from failed relationships.

We ended the episode with a spontaneous soulmate manifestation, and 2 months later Ellen met actor Derek Ramsay, notorious for his reluctance to ever settle down. They were married just a few months after that in an unexpected love story that took social media by storm.

Happily Ever After is Not Just Romcom Ending

Ellen is one of the innumerable women I have worked with who have mastered the Project Loving Myself formula of learning to love themselves first to manifest their soulmates. Once they clear their negative relationship patterns from their childhood and past relationships, they consistently find their path to their soulmates in anywhere from a few days to a couple of months. When we love ourselves, we allow others to love us too.

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Daniela Regino

I joined Soulmate Magnet, and I realized that I was capable of healing and loving myself. I felt relieved from all the hurt I felt because of my past. I felt at peace with myself.

B. Constantino

I decided to let go of all the attachment to results and just enjoy my life from hereon…barely a month after, my answered prayer walked into my life at the time when I wasn’t even looking anymore.

Shenette Bunda

I look happier since I started giving myself the same love I have given to others… It seems that I am attracting blessings as well…I passed my state board exam in the US and I am in the process of moving into my dream house…I'm so thankful and blessed with everything that is happening in my life right now.

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Stories of love

Shelly Rodriguez

After my ThetaHealing session with Sanaiyah, I felt very positive towards myself. 2 months after my session, I met my soulmate, who is now my fiance…

Cathy Martizano

It was not really my intention to manifest a soulmate at that time…since I did the manifestation and at the same time, allowed myself to heal from my past and clear my negative programs, I was able to actually manifest it.

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Martha Lim

What I can say for sure is that I am in the most mature committed relationship I’ve been in and I am allowing myself to be happy and loved. Whatever the universe has in store for us I know I’ll be ok because I’ve also never been more compassionate, grateful, and loving to myself. All because of this program. And just for that it makes it worth it for me.

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Are You Ready to Walk Off

Into the Sunset Too?

If you want to become a soulmate magnet too and attract the right person into your life instead of running on the disappointed-by-love hamster wheel (with no end in sight!) then you are invited to join us on a journey to love.

Your mission – should you choose to accept it – is to apply the 3 steps of the Project Loving Myself process over 8 weeks so you can become the kind of woman who can attract your ideal life partner.

The Soulmate Magnet program is an 8-week journey to go from disastrous (or non-existent) relationships to magnetically attracting the love of your life.

You will identify the flawed relationship patterns that keep you stuck and crack your faulty relationship code to unlock healing and resolution so you can finally love and accept yourself the way you deserve.

Through a combination of pre-recorded content and weekly LIVE coaching calls, you will have the tools you need to free yourself from your past, love your present, and attract your desired future...with your soulmate in it.

You will be supported by healing exercises and meditations, thought-provoking interactive worksheets, and coaching through journaling activities so you can reach your soulmate manifestation goal. This means you can finally relax, do the work, and trust in the process, knowing that the right person will be waiting for you at your destination.

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Here is What 8 Weeks to Love Looks Like

Week 1

Week 3+4

Week 7+8

MODULE 1: Find Your Frequency

MODULE 3: Heal the Inner Child

MODULE 5: Magnetize Your Mate

Week 5:


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Week 2

Week 6

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MODULE 2: Decode Your Relationship Patterns

MODULE 4: Moving From Fear to Love

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MODULE 1: Find Your Frequency

Begin your search by tuning in to define your Relationship Frequency, which signals where you are in your soulmate journey. You will understand WHY you want a soulmate and WHAT it means to you so that you can create the motivation and commitment you need to become a Soulmate Magnet.

MODULE 2: Decode Your Relationship Patterns

Release your negative patterns, flawed relationship templates, and the endless loops that keep you stuck in the rigamarole of being with the wrong person or no one at all through a powerful process of identifying your Relationship Template.

You will take a Relationship Inventory to see the bigger picture of how your past has led to your present circumstance, release Regret Loops through a Forgiveness Exercise, and crack your Relationship Code so you can attract your energetic equivalent in a partner with whom you can share a successful and meaningful relationship, without the negative influences of your past getting in the way.

MODULE 3: Heal the Inner Child

Relationships hit road bumps when you react to situations from the perspective of the unhealed, unresolved inner child because of what you didn’t get or learn as a child. In this module, you will use the Healing the Inner Child technique so you can show up as your best self with your partner, approaching situations as a mature adult instead of a child throwing a tantrum when you don’t get what you want. You will heal the inner child so you can stop acting like a child.

MODULE 4: Moving From Fear to Love

Before you become anyone else’s soulmate, you need to become your own because how you love yourself is how you teach others to love you. You will remove blocks to love through a Future Self Vision to claim your Self-love Superpower so you can fully express your inner goddess and become relationship-ready.

MODULE 5: Magnetize Your Mate

When you know what you want and have a clear vision of the relationship you desire, the Universe responds to your specific instructions to bring it forth. You will apply the 7 Rules of Manifestation so that you can experience a potent Soulmate Manifestation without letting doubt or attachment keep you stuck in ‘needing’ a soulmate instead of ‘attracting’ one.

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What's Included?

8 LIVE Group Coaching Calls

33 Pre-recorded Video Trainings

Interactive Worksheets & Guides

Healing Exercises & Meditations

Lifetime Access with Replays

The Soulmate Magnet Journey

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Module 2: Decode Your Relationship Patterns

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Gray section of road with solid line in the middle.

Module 5: Magnetize Your Mate

Module 4: Moving From Fear to Love

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Module 1: Find Your Frequency

Module 3: Heal the Inner Child

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LIVE Healing

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The Soulmate Magnet Path

Module 1: Find Your Frequency - Week 1

1.1. Purposeful Living: Knowing Your WHY

1.2. Destination Known: WHAT is your Happily Ever After?

1.3. The Law of Attraction: Understanding HOW It All Works

1.4. Love-typing: The 8 Types of Love

1.5. Clarity Before Commitment: Getting to I Do

Module 2: Decode Your Relationship Patterns - Week 2 + 3

2.1. Relationship Inventory: Understanding Your Present Through the Lens of the Past

2.2. The Regret Loop: Attachments That Keep You Trapped

2.3. Men Are From Mars: Exploring Your Relationships With the Opposite Sex

2.4. Family Systems: The Dysfunctional Relationship Dynamic

2.5. Cracking the Code: Identify Your Relationship Template

2.6. Blank Slate: Releasing Negative Relationship Patterns, Templates, & Loops

2.7. Sticky Emotions: Letting Go is Not Hard to Do

Module 3: Heal the Inner Child - Week 4

3.1. Parenting Before Partner: How To Prioritize Yourself So You Can Show Up For Others

3.2. The Wounded Inner Child: Discover Your Inner Child Archetype

3.3. Faulty Identities: Rewrite Your Story

3.4. The Rejection Remedy: Healing through Self-Acceptance

3.5. Forgiveness First: Loving and Integrating Your Inner Child

Week 5: Integration Week

Module 4: Moving From Fear to Love - Week 6

4.1. Ready to Fly: Removing Barriers to Love

4.2. Drumroll Please: Express Your Inner Goddess

4.3. Acts of Love: Discover Your Love Language

4.4. Take Your Power Back: Using the Future Self Vision to Direct Your Path

Module 5: Magnetize Your Mate - Week 7 + 8

5.1. Attract Your Perfect Match: Placing Your Order in the Unverse of Possibilities

5.2. The Relationship Blueprint: Applying the Rules of Love

5.3. Rewiring Your Subconscious Mind: Your Relationship Mantra

5.4. Amplify Your Field: Find a Magnifier

5.5. Crystal Clear: Your New Relationship Vision

5.6. Bull’s Eye: The Soulmate Manifesto

5.7. Be Still My Beating Heart: Mastering the Art of Detachment

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Soulmate Magnet Program

March 18-May 10, 2024

The Soulmate Magnet Program is an 8-week online group coaching training program with a combination of pre-recorded content with worksheets and guides, healing exercises and meditations, and LIVE weekly coaching.


P85,000 ($1497)

Installment Plan

Pay for the program in 4 payments of P25,000 ($447), or you may opt for a straight payment of P85,000 ($1497, with savings of $291/P15,000).

1:1 Soulmate Magnet

Can’t wait for your new life to begin and want to get started right way? Find out more about doing the Soulmate Magnet program exclusively with me to experience personalized guidance and my dedicated time. Click the button below to schedule your clarity call.

The I'M NOT READY Guarrantee

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Finding your soulmate can be both exciting and terrifying at the same time. When your mind starts to believe that it is possible for you to find someone who loves you for who you are and you are worthy and deserving of it, your subconscious blocks and negative beliefs may come up.

It may feel like you are not ready to move forward, perhaps you don’t even want to manifest your soulmate after all. While we will be working through these blocks, beliefs, and limitations, you might choose to stay where you are at for a little while longer. And that is ok.

Change is scary but also a necessary rite of passage to getting what you want. And I am here to help you move through your fears to finally see the possibilities for yourself.

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Sketch Question Mark. Hand Drawn Black Interrogation Marks, Ask Exam and Faq Symbols. Interrogative Signs, Doodle Questions Vector Icons
Sketch Question Mark. Hand Drawn Black Interrogation Marks, Ask Exam and Faq Symbols. Interrogative Signs, Doodle Questions Vector Icons

I’m so confident that you are going to see the difference in your life with the Soulmate Magnet program, that I offer a 7-day I’m Not Ready money-back guarantee. This means that if you are not ready to claim your spot in your happily ever after, then all I ask is that you sign up for a 1:1 ThetaHealing session with me within 7-days of the program.

If you still feel like you would like to exit the program after our session, then you will get your full investment back. If that sounds fair, then you can feel confident to invest in this program knowing that you can’t lose anything at all. In fact, you will gain clarity at the very least.

To book your 1:1 session, please email connect@thirdeyeonline.com to book your I’m Not Ready session. Charges apply.* Once you have completed your 1:1 session, and you still feel like you are not ready to find your soulmate, then just email sanaiyah@gurnamal.com with the subject “I’m Not Ready’ within 7 days of enrolling in Soulmate Magnet and we’ll credit your full investment back to you immediately.

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You Deserve to Be Loved The Way You Want To Be

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Imagine having the confidence that you are a walking soulmate magnet, effortlessly attracting that perfect life partner into your life so you can finally be loved the way you deserve to be.

You look at yourself in the mirror, catching a glimpse of sharing your life with your special someone, as you feel the now-familiar flutter of excitement in your heart that he is somewhere out there making his way to you.

You feel a sense of gratitude to the Universe that you are no longer carrying the heavy baggage of your past. You feel the lightness in your heart and notice the spring in your step. Wow, it feels so good.

At last, you experience the freedom to love and accept yourself for who you are. You recognize how all your past experiences shaped you into that person, as you look forward to the bright new future ahead of you…living the life of your dreams with your soulmate in it.

Living the Life of Your Dreams Can Start Right Now

If you want a different life, then you have to make different choices. It always starts with you.

How long do you want to stay stuck, ending up back at square one with every relationship that doesn’t get to 'I do?' How much longer are you going to deprive yourself of being loved like the most precious thing in the world?

Stop waiting for things to change and take this life-changing step forward.

Life is happening right now
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Tune In! Interviews on Attracting Love

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Attracting The

Love You Want

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How to

Manifest Your Soulmate Into Your Life

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Manifesting Your Soulmate

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Book A Call

Let's chat over Zoom if you want to learn more about this program and I'll answer any questions you may have. Book a slot on my calendar by clicking on the button below.

sanaiyah@thirdeyeonline.com | www.sanaiyahgurnamal.com | @sanaiyahgurnamal

Project Loving Myself Podcast | @projectlovingmyselfpodcast

Copyright © 2023 Sanaiyah Gurnamal, All rights reserved.